Percocet Addiction Treatment

There are many prescription painkillers today which contain high levels of opiates to help treat chronic and severe pain. One of the more popular brands on the market includes Percocet, which is a combination of acetaminophen, an ingredient found in many over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol, and oxycodone, a powerful opiate that is derived from the same source as drugs such as morphine and heroin.

While Percocet is typically used to help a patient deal with severe pain on a short-term basis, the medication itself can be addictive, leading to many people abusing the drug and becoming addicted to it. When Percocet addiction presents itself the best course of action is to seek out Percocet addiction treatment from a reputable clinic.

What to Look for as Signs of Percocet Abuse

As is the case with many prescription drugs, an addiction to Percocet is not one that is always readily noticeable in a person until the addiction has become quite severe. Many people can build up dependence to the use of Percocet while they are taking it for pain. Their body becomes reliant on the relief the medication provides. This could ultimately mean the body becomes tolerant of the drug. The end result is that the patient will need to acquire a higher dose of the medication to attain the same effects.

There are a few signs to look for in terms of Percocet abuse. If the patient is trying to find ways to secure more of the drug, either through visiting multiple doctors or obtaining the medication through other means, it should signal that there is a problem. There are also some physical signs that show there could be long-term abuse of Percocet, such as confusion, sweating, slow breathing, light-headedness, headaches and vomiting. If you notice some of these problems you may want to consider Percocet addiction treatment.

What Goes on at an Inpatient Percocet Rehab Center

There are various ways that you can help a person with a Percocet addiction problem. Perhaps the most effective way is to seek out treatment at an inpatient Percocet rehab center. When the person is at a clinic, they will receive hands-on care from trained staff professionals that can monitor their progress closely and take care of any medical issues that may arise along the way. Typically, treatment at an inpatient facility can include the following procedures:

  • Percocet Detox – One of the most important steps in any attempt at rehabilitation is to undergo a detox so you can get the drug completely out of your system. When you detox in a facility, trained and experienced medical personnel will monitor you carefully. They will provide you with everything you need to help ease the difficult withdrawal symptoms that can occur during this part of the treatment. The period of time it takes to detox can vary from patient to patient and is typically completed slowly to help ease the symptoms associated with it.
  • Rehabilitation Therapy – While the detox portion may be the most difficult for the patient physically, no recovery can be successful without some form of therapy to follow up after the detox. Most people who detox without any counseling or therapy are prone to a relapse. Counseling and therapy involves some type of behavior modification therapy and includes one-on-one sessions. This helps patients to discover the root cause of their addiction. Therapy begins at an inpatient facility and then progresses afterwards.